Is anybody out there remapping NEXRAD Level 2 or level 3 imagery to mercator
for viewing in GIS tools? I'm using GPNEXR2 to plot the imagery and it seems to
only work with proj=rad and I really need to get it into mercator. I know I can
use a tool like gdalwarp to convert from one projection to another but I also
don't really understand what projection corresponds to the rad projection. Can
anyone point me in the right direction?
Greg Stossmeister
Head - Collaborative Tools and Metadata Group
Computing Data and Software Facility
NCAR/Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL)
Telephone: (303)497-8692 Facsimilie:(303)497-2044
e-mail: gstoss@xxxxxxxx
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NCAR/EOL UCAR Shipping and Receiving
P.O. Box 3000 3090 Center Green Dr.
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