On 10/16/13 10:06, Greg Stossmeister wrote:
Is anybody out there remapping NEXRAD Level 2 or level 3 imagery to mercator
for viewing in GIS tools? I'm using GPNEXR2 to plot the imagery and it seems to
only work with proj=rad and I really need to get it into mercator. I know I can
use a tool like gdalwarp to convert from one projection to another but I also
don't really understand what projection corresponds to the rad projection. Can
anyone point me in the right direction?
Greg Stossmeister
Head - Collaborative Tools and Metadata Group
Computing Data and Software Facility
NCAR/Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL)
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Since I will likely be looking at the result of your work,
nex2gini will map level 3 (n0q) data to a GINI satellite image
which can be Mercator. This can then be plotted with gpmap by setting
I am not aware of any program to do the same with level 2.
Also, I am playing around with using gdradr and gdradrc to create grids
of American and Canadian radars and then using some undefined algorithm
to merge the two with gddiag. This should be able to be convert out to
a satellite image with gd2img.
Is there a GIS tool to import GINI files?
Larry Oolman
Department of Atmospheric Science
University of Wyoming
Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071