Thanks! Indeed the font quality is much better. I could use the GF driver
and Xvfb to generate the image.
I also thought about using a really large image, but i was not sure if
everything would scale properly, especially the station plot data and
station model,
as i superimpose it.
Maybe I will dig into the source code eventually by trying to see what is
the difference between the PSC vs GIF drivers when generating this image.
Many thanks! I will let you know how it goes with all the possible
On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 5:09 PM Steve Decker <sgdecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Christian,
> Make sure to use the GF driver rather than GIF to get the best hardware
> fonts, although they still aren't quite up to the quality of the PS fonts .
> However, you can sort of fake it by generating a very high resolution GIF
> image (with the Giant font size) and then downsampling. The attachment
> shows an example; the original image was 3000x2000, which I then converted
> to 1200x800.
> Sincerely,
> Steve
> On 6/3/21 10:39 AM, Christian Pagé wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Thanks for your input! Yes, I have thought of doing that (swapping black
> and white for example).
> I just find the output of the GIF driver of much less quality than the
> PSC, especially for fonts.
> For example the HW font in PSC is looking much much better than in GIF.
> Would there be another font I could use with the GIF driver of much better
> quality than the HW one?
> Regarding the number of colors, from what I understand, GEMPAK is limited
> to 32 colors,
> because if you look into the other color tables, such as XWP, it has the
> same number of colors as the PSC driver.
> Christian
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 4:32 PM Steve Decker <sgdecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Christian,
>> I wonder if PSC is limited to the standard 32 colors. I see the same
>> issue on my machine. My suggestion would be to create the GIF, and then
>> use ImageMagick to convert the image to PS. If you are looking for a white
>> background, it would take a bit more work to swap black and white, but that
>> would be doable as well.
>> Sincerely,
>> Steve
>> On 6/3/21 3:49 AM, Christian Pagé wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> With the help of Pete, I finally have identified the problem, but I do
>> not know how to solve it.
>> Recap:
>> I had NEXRAD NIDS plotting of N0Z for years without problem (station
>> KCXX). Since it has been removed, I am switching to N0Q.
>> The plot is done using sfmap and a PSC device.
>> With the new N0Q in place, with proper entries in imgtyp.tbl as well
>> as nex2gini.tbl, it works well with the GIF driver, but it doesn not work
>> properly with the PSC driver, as all echos are the same color. Here is an
>> example with the same datafile as input, and the only difference here being
>> the DEVICE driver (GIF vs PSC).
>> Any hint on why it gives those incorrect results for the PSC driver?
>> Thanks!
>> Christian
>> [image: unnamed-2.gif]
>> [image: unnamed.gif]
>> On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 2:53 PM Christian Pagé <page.christian@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all gempak users,
>>> I had to switch recently from the N0Z NEXRAD products to N0Q.
>>> The plotting is done with sfmap using the RAD keyword.
>>> Here is a comparison with another radar product for the same time (the
>>> new N0Q is on the right-hand side).
>>> There is a problem as all the values seem to be all the same... at least
>>> with the same color.
>>> [image: Screenshot_20210523-091127.png][image: image.png] [image:
>>> Screenshot_20210523-091110.png]
>>> I tried with several LUTFIL and it is always the same.
>>> The pqact.conf is just:
>>> NEXRAD ^SDUS[23578]. ....
>>> ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
>>> FILE -overwrite -close
>>> data/gempak/nexrad/NIDS/\5/\4/\4_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\2\3
>>> Any hint on what could be wrong?
>>> ====
>>> Another question is the LUTFIL. Previously I had this colormap with the
>>> N0Z product:
>>> [image: CXX_N0Z.1.gif]
>>> Is there a way to generate a LUTFIL with the same colormap?
>>> Thanks for your help!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Christian Pagé
>>> UQAM
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> Steve Decker, Associate Teaching Professor
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