On Feb 26, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate)
<don.murray@xxxxxxxx<mailto:don.murray@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Sorry my proposed function names are so long. What do others think?
The silence is deafening. ;-)
Don and Brian,
For the record, some of us (well, me at least) are trying to follow some of the
discussion out of the corner of one eye while trying to complete 26 hours of
work on an earth that is still rotates once every 24 hours. Can't comment
intelligently until I fire up the latest IDV mock-up and reproduce the stuff
that you'all are talking about--I'm not up to speed yet, and won't be until
Friday afternoon at the earliest.
Keep at it, though--the conversation is, as Brian, said, a good one!
-- Dave
* | __ __ \|/ *
* Dr. Dave Dempsey | ) ^ /|| ||\ --0-- *
* Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences |) ) ^ / ||_|| \ /|\ *
* San Francisco State University | ) ) / | _ | \ *
* 1600 Holloway Ave. |) )/ || || \ *
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* Phone: (415) 338-7716 | ) ) || || \ *
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