Re: [idvdevelopers] New test release of Image Chooser and PR

Hi Brian-

On 3/3/14 7:15 PM, Brian Mapes wrote:
On further thought, I think even UsePD displays should have their spatial 
bounds saved and restored in the .xidv file.

Then what's the point of having it use the view area? I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but if you ask the IDV to use the view area, then that is what it will do when it loads back in from a bundle.

To me it is a principle or tenet of IDV that the opener of a bundle sees 
exactly what the saver of that bundle saw. Not worth sacrificing that for the 
conveniences (autocrop, autostride) of UsePD.

I understand this, but in this new paradigm, especially if we support moving a bundle to a new region on load, the user doesn't get to see what the orginal user saw except having the same types of displays.

What do others think?

And what happens when a UsePD display is saved as a .zidv?

I think you should test this and let us know. ;-)

Don Murray

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