I guess we use the Animal Farm analogy ... some sources are equal ... but some
sources are more equal than others ... (I'd better quit now before things start
to "snowball")
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) [mailto:don.murray@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:13 PM
To: Jonathan Beavers; Tyle, Kevin R
Cc: Brian Mapes; <idv-steering@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; idvdevelopers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [idvdevelopers] IDV: Dead views piling up
I would guess it comes down to how the IDV defines whether two data sources are
"equal". I'm sure there are places where we were sloppy about defining the
datasource definingObject to distinguish it from another. Sometimes it's just
a name. For example, if I load the Latest GFS 80km data in, and then after a
new run comes in, I load in another instance of the Latest GFS 80km data, are
they supposed to be equal.
Or, if I load in a satellite image with N times defined and load the same image
dataset with M times defined, it may not look at the times when doing the
comparison (or it might).
I guess since Jon has asked for examples, he gets to "fix" the problem. ;-)
On 3/11/14 12:55 PM, Jonathan Beavers wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> On 2014-03-11, at 9:56 AM, Tyle, Kevin R <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> More often, I see they have the same data source loaded multiple times. Not
>> plotted multiple times ... but there nonetheless. Need to inquire among the
>> students to see what thought processes make this happen. How hard would it
>> be to have the user interface say "You have already loaded this data source,
>> are you sure you want to do so again?"
> Indeed! It's so easy that the IDV already has code written that attempts to
> do exactly that:
> http://git.io/3uwF9Q
> Okay, okay...apologies for the snark. I was able to verify the duplicate
> checker works by attempting to create two identical data sources via the "Sat
> & Radar>Images" chooser. Without knowing the specifics of your situation,
> here's what immediately comes to mind:
> * Are you certain that the data sources are identical? An easy way to check
> would be to right click on the data sources in question and view their
> "Details" tabs--identical data sources should have identical details.
> * Could there be any issues with bundles?
> If you can replicate the problem please consider saving a bundle...or just
> use both "xidv" and "zidv" bundles to be safe.
> Good luck!
> Jon
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Don Murray