To update my previous mail about using a Contour2DDisplayable object
and a GeoGrid from a nc file, I have discovered something odd. I
printed out the domain and range values of the FlatField i am using
for the Displayable. the domain has X and Y values as I expected, but
the range values are off.
Given that I do this:
GeoGridAdapter gga = new GeoGridAdapter( ggds, gg,
"surface_temperature" );
FieldImpl fi = gga.getData();
I expected my flatfield to have values from the surface_temperature
variable. However I am seeing values from some other variable, and
from within the middle of the grid of data too.
It's as though the netcdf offset logic is awry.
Or maybe I am using the classes wrong.
Anyway, the Contour2Ddisplayable is handling the map projection from
X, Y in the grid to lat, lon, so it is not that that is the issue, as
I previously thought.