2008 mailing list archives - listed by subject
- [idvusers] 20080508: IDV 2.5 available for download
- [idvusers] 20080618: IDV nightly build now uses netcdf-java 4.0
- [idvusers] 20080630: IDV 2.5 patch
- [idvusers] 20081015: IDV 2.6 beta 1 available for testing
- [idvusers] 20081224: IDV 2.6 available for download
- [idvusers] 3D view
- [idvusers] Access to the Unidata and NSF xml catalogs in IDV
- [idvusers] AIRS data now accessible by IDV
- [idvusers] Antarctica weather data in IDV
- [idvusers] Archived Level III radar data
- [idvusers] Best way to automatically assemble data for viewing in IDV?
- Re: [idvusers] Best way to automatically assemble data for viewing in IDV?
- [idvusers] Blank Plugin Manager
- [idvusers] capture image issue
- [idvusers] Capture issues
- [idvusers] Change to location of resource files/upcoming features
- [idvusers] Cnvgrib - Request
- [idvusers] Contour plot defined by two variables (into defined ranges)
- Re: [idvusers] Contour plot defined by two variables (into defined ranges)
- [idvusers] Contours on point data
- [idvusers] Contours on point data - how to use GMT and NetCDF to grid or analyze point data for the IDV
- [idvusers] Converting dBZ to Z and then back
- [idvusers] Data Extraction from NetCDF
- [idvusers] days/year in IDV
- [idvusers] displaying data in rotated_latitude_longitude projection
- Re: [idvusers] displaying data in rotated_latitude_longitude projection
- Re: [idvusers] displaying data in rotated_latitude_longitude projection
- [idvusers] ecmwf
- [idvusers] Error
- [idvusers] follow up to previous mail: Netcdf grids and Contour2DdDisplayable
- [idvusers] Fwd: Antarctic weather data in IDV...
- [idvusers] Generating constant pressure variables for IDV
- [idvusers] grib1 files/ dead documentation link
- [idvusers] help in coding the atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate for IDV
- [idvusers] High resolution maps lost
- [idvusers] How do you view nc (NetCDF) PROFLILER_wind files in IDV?
- Re: [idvusers] How do you view nc (NetCDF) PROFLILER_wind files in IDV?
- [idvusers] HOW TO : Plot views across the prime meridian using IDV
- [idvusers] http based .nc retrieval issue in IDV 2.4
- [idvusers] IDV and googlemaps
- Re: [idvusers] [idvdevelopers] Visualizing marine animals tracking using IDV
- Re: [idvusers] IDV hint
- [idvusers] IDV Line Squall or Thunderstorm model bundle?
- Re: [idvusers] [Idvsteering] identifying data sources on displays
- [idvusers] IDV to compare modeled and observed vertical profiles?
- [idvusers] IDV vertical profiles - standard 1D models
- [idvusers] Irregular data analysis into grids, and the IDV
- [idvusers] ISCCP DX netCDF files in IDV? Also, XML parse errors from catalogs
- Re: [idvusers] ISCCP DX netCDF files in IDV? Also, XML parse errors from catalogs
- [idvusers] issue
- [idvusers] Map overlays
- [idvusers] mdv data format
- [idvusers] National Storm Attributes
- [idvusers] NetCDF
- [idvusers] (no subject)
- [idvusers] Ocean pressure => depth in IDV
- [idvusers] overlays - isl
- [idvusers] Plot all the vector plan view levels at once
- [idvusers] Plotting Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE)
- [idvusers] Plotting netCDF data in Mercator projection
- Re: [idvusers] Plotting views across the prime meridian using IDD GFS
- Re: [idvusers] Plotting views across the prime meridian using IDDGFS
- [idvusers] Plotting with two different vertical scales
- [idvusers] Problems reading changed grib-files
- [idvusers] problems running IDV in Linux
- [idvusers] problem using Contour2DDisplayable
- [idvusers] reading model grids from nc files
- [idvusers] Snow parameters
- Re: [idvusers] standard_name for unsupported coefficients, variables, etc
- [idvusers] standard_name for unsupported coefficients, variables, etc
- [idvusers] Strange IDV .isl/bundle behavior
- [idvusers] Strange IDV/Xvfb behavior
- [idvusers] Time Height Cross-sections of Sounding Data
- [idvusers] trying to contour fill bathy according to known levels and color table
- Re: [idvusers] trying to contour fill bathy according to known levels and color table
- [idvusers] unstructured tetrahedral mesh
- [idvusers] Value Plots
- [idvusers] "Visible range" not showing image beneath
- [idvusers] vsi5d files
- Re: [idvusers] XML parse errors from catalogs