I'm trying to run IDV on a Linux machine (ubuntu 7.10, gnome) without
success; when executing the IDV script, the initialization window
appears, stating "Initializing resources", then "Creating User
Interfaces". After that the "dashboard" window appears briefly and
suddenly every crashes with a "segmentation fault" message. If only
found an error message at /var/log/apport.log :
/apport (pid 6845) Thu Jul 17 11:08:30 2008: called for pid 6722, signal 11
apport (pid 6845) Thu Jul 17 11:08:30 2008: executable:
/Kissamos/Soft/IDV_2.5/jre/bin/java (command line
-Dexe4j.moduleName=/Kissamos/Soft/IDV_2.5/IDV -Xmx512m -classpath
com.install4j.runtime.Launcher launch ucar.unidata.idv.DefaultIdv true
false /Kissamos/Soft/IDV_2.5/error.log true true false true true 0 0
20 20 Arial 0,0,0 8 500 version\ 2.5 20 40 Arial 0,0,0 8 500 -1")
apport (pid 6845) Thu Jul 17 11:08:30 2008: executable does not belong
to a package, ignoring/
Any clue??
Thanks in advance,
Dr. Jordi Diaz Cusi
Cientifico Titular - Dep. d'Estructura i Dinamica de la Terra
Institut de Ciencies de la Terra 'Jaume Almera' - CSIC
c/ Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n
08028 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 93 409 54 10
Fax: +34 93 411 00 12
E-mail: jdiaz@xxxxxxxxxxx
www: www.ija.csic.es/gt/jd