Hi Heiko-
Heiko Klein wrote:
I'm currently trying to convert some netcdf-files to grib. Therefore it
is really nice to be able to visualize both files with idv (2.5 on linux).
This works as long as I don't reuse filenames with data of different
projections. In that case, I get a null-pointer exception when opening
the file. Restarting idv does not help, but deleting all files in
~/.metapps/DefaultIdv/tmp/nj22 does.
When you first open the GRIB file, it gets indexed and the
index is stored in this tmp directory. Unfortunately at this point,
the index does not get updated if you change the file. You are
not the first to encounter this and the only current solutions are
to delete the index file or don't keep reusing the same name.
Would it be possible to delete those temporary files when removing the
datasource, or quitting IDV?
If you have a large grib file like a GFS global grid (> 2 GB)
reindexing every time you start the IDV can be very expensive.
I'll reopen the discussion with the netCDF-Java developers to
allow a facility to reindex the file if the file date is
newer than the index date. I think that would be a simple
solution to solve this problem.
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307