I'm currently trying to convert some netcdf-files to grib. Therefore it
is really nice to be able to visualize both files with idv (2.5 on linux).
This works as long as I don't reuse filenames with data of different
projections. In that case, I get a null-pointer exception when opening
the file. Restarting idv does not help, but deleting all files in
~/.metapps/DefaultIdv/tmp/nj22 does.
Would it be possible to delete those temporary files when removing the
datasource, or quitting IDV?
Best regards,
Dr. Heiko Klein Tel. + 47 22 96 32 58
Development Section / IT Department Fax. + 47 22 69 63 55
Norwegian Meteorological Institute http://www.met.no
P.O. Box 43 Blindern 0313 Oslo NORWAY