Hi All
I am trying to extract climate data from a *.nc file for simulating
simulating flows in a watershed. The file contains predicted precipitaion data
from 2000-2100 with Lat/Long. information the data. For my model simulation I
need data in a table format that is precipitation data for the daily time
steps. I dont know how to extract this data from the netcdf file that I have.
There is such a large collection of tools for NetCDF files that it took me two
days to figure out which program to download. I have downloaded IDV now and
going through its tutorial for getting it to work and let me extract data from
the netcdf files.
Can anybody tell me straight away which tools to use in IDV to accomplish
this task. Please bear in mind I am not a programmer, I am just a user.
I tried to use ArcMap 9.2 by using its built in tool Make netcdf table view
but as ArcMap saves it in the memory I was not able to get any data.
I shall be thankful to you for a reply at the earliest.
Mansoor A. Baloch
Visiting Research Scholar
Geospatial Software Lab
Department of Geological Sciences,
Idaho State University Idaho Falls, 83401 ID USA.
between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99