Hi Eric-
Kemp, Eric M. wrote:
I am trying to interpolate variables from a WRF simulation to constant
pressure surfaces for used with IDV. I know that WPP performs this function,
but the output is in GRIB format and I want to calculate some non-standard
variables. So I'm trying to decide on the best course of action.
My questions:
1. Can IDV be supplied with a user-defined GRIB table to properly decode
my non-standard variables? If so, I may choose to edit the WPP program.
If not:
You can add in your own grib tables. Documentation on this is at:
2. Can IDV read a netCDF file that contains data both in "WRF format" (with
data on model surfaces) as well as data on isobaric surfaces? If so,
what is the procedure? If not:
No, I doubt this would work. We use the WRF netCDF spec to determine
the vertical and horizonatal coordinates.
3. Should I write out the isobaric variable in a CF1 convention netCDF file?
You could do this and the IDV should be able to handle it.
Don Murray
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307