Thanks Robert, I checked out the images on that ADDE server, and it
looks like they should work.
Best Regards,
Robert Dewey
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Robert Mullenax
<Robert.Mullenax@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I do not know if this helps your particular case but NESDIS offers a public
> ADDE server that has full res GOES imagery in AREA format as well as 6 hourly
> Meteosat, MTSAT, and India SAT. The data set is PUB and the server is
> On Jul 29, 2013, at 3:40 PM, "Robert Dewey" <robert.d.dewey@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thanks for the response Tom.
>> Since I don't meet the university requirements and need realtime data
>> on a scheduled basis, I'm probably going to have to go the Jython
>> route. Are there any examples of how to do this? I'm fairly proficient
>> in Python/Jython, but not sure what classes / methods I should be
>> looking at for this.
>> Best Regards,
>> Robert Dewey
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Tom Whittaker <whittaker@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Robert...
>>> Okay, now I understand why you need the GVAR nav. Fact is, the GINI
>>> images are re-projected at the data source before being sent on
>>> NOAAPort.
>>> If you are affiliated with a University, then there is a Unidata
>>> server available that has high-rest GVAR images; otherwise, you would
>>> have to contract with SSEC to get realtime GVAR data from our servers.
>>> If you don't need realtime data, you might look at NCDC and see if
>>> the CLASS data would meet your needs...last I looked they did provide
>>> data in AREA format as one of the options. See
>>> <> and
>>> <>
>>> Finally, you probably could re-project the TANC-nav data by getting an
>>> AREA file that has the desired GVAR navigation and then from Jython,
>>> resample the TANC-nav data into it.
>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Robert Dewey <robert.d.dewey@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>> I'm using the file in the ARPS model, and it expects the AREA file to
>>>> have GVAR navigation.
>>>> When I run a.getNavigation() on the GINIEAST images, they show
>>>> navigation as being TANC, and the files fail in ARPS. However, the
>>>> images in the RTIMAGES stream show a.getNavigation() as being GVAR,
>>>> and these files work. Would it be possible to get the GINIEAST images
>>>> into the same navigation / etc (not real familiar with satellite file
>>>> terminology) as the files in the RTIMAGES stream?
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Robert Dewey
>>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Tom Whittaker <whittaker@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Robert --
>>>>> I'm not sure what your issue is with the navigation. I did the two steps:
>>>>> a = af("adde://
>>>>> =gzip&USER=idv&PROJ=0&VERSION=1&DEBUG=false&TRACE
>>>>> E=2560 2560&PLACE=CENTER&SIZE=854 854&UNIT=BRIT&M
>>>>> AG=1 1&SPAC=1&NAV=X&AUX=YES&DOC=X&POS=0")
>>>>> I then went back to the file chooser and read this file in as a McIDAS
>>>>> AREA file
>>>>> and it displayed just fine....
>>>>> What am I missing?
>>>>> tom
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Robert Dewey <robert.d.dewey@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Finally got around to implementing this, and apparently the data has
>>>>>> to be in the GVAR navigation format. The images in the RTIMAGES stream
>>>>>> work, but I would prefer the GINIEAST stuff which has a higher
>>>>>> resolution (for visible) and is updated more frequently. Is there a
>>>>>> way to convert from TANC to GVAR? Or is there another stream that
>>>>>> provides the GVAR data at higher spatial / temporal resolution?
>>>>>> I was reading in a previous email in the Unidata archive that this
>>>>>> could be done in McIDAS, but I don't have access to that. Is there a
>>>>>> method / function available in the IDV (via Jython) that would do
>>>>>> this?
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Robert Dewey
>>>>> --
>>>>> Tom Whittaker
>>>>> University of Wisconsin-Madison
>>>>> Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
>>>>> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
>>>>> 1225 W. Dayton Street
>>>>> Madison, WI 53706 USA
>>>>> ph: +1 608 262 2759
>>> --
>>> Tom Whittaker
>>> University of Wisconsin-Madison
>>> Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
>>> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
>>> 1225 W. Dayton Street
>>> Madison, WI 53706 USA
>>> ph: +1 608 262 2759
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