On 2/23/2014 8:12 PM, Chris Herbster wrote:
Thanks Yuan,
One of the problems that I had was that I didn't have two characters for
the anchor location value. That was the source of the Java error that I
I have the script working for what I want/need to do, but I can't see
how to easily step through all of the times that are loaded in the
bundle. It would seem that I have to do a loop over time, but I can't
find an example of how to do this.
There are several options available for doing the loop:
<isl debug="true" loop="1" offscreen="true" sleep="60.0minutes">
<bundle clear="true" file="${islpath}/hrrr_radar_alltimes.xidv"
times="0,1,2,3,4,5" wait="true" width="1024" height="768"/>
<image file="${islpath}/hrrr_radar_single.png"
<colorbar display="display" orientation="top" width="450"
showlines="false" values="5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75"
anchor="LM" place="LM,0,-55" showunit="false"/>
<overlay text="HRRR Forecast Reflectivity (dbZ), 1 km AGL
${time:yyyy-MM-dd HHmm z}" fontsize="16" color="black" place="LM,0,-10"
In the above example, assuming the bundle has 6+ time steps and you want
to output the first 6 time steps images.
While there may be folks who would like to attend the regional workshop,
that is the last full week of class for the semester and it isn't a good
time to travel. I'll ask around and see what people say.
Thanks again for the help!
Chris Herbster