Re: [idvusers] painting map lines on 3D topography

  • To: Murray Brown <m.brown.nsb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [idvusers] painting map lines on 3D topography
  • From: David P Dempsey <dempsey@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 18:36:23 +0000
  • Authentication-results: spf=permerror (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom=dempsey@xxxxxxxx;
On Oct 4, 2014, at 4:34 AM, Murray Brown 
<m.brown.nsb@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:m.brown.nsb@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

I got the impression during all my tests that there may be a complication due 
to the relative spatial extents of the two objects, the map and the topo.  Do 
you or the IDV folks know if there is some limitation/restriction on the 
success of this formula, due to spatial relationship?  And could spatial 
subsetting (although I did not use it) play a role?


That’s a good question, and though I don’t know the answer, I haven’t had any 
trouble with at least some model output files whether I accepted all the region 
defaults, specified a custom region using an elastic box, or selected “Match 
Display Region”.

The exception seems to be when I try to use GFS model analyses.

I just tried loading a GFS analysis (a local file acquiring using our RAMADDA 
server: see Catalogs: > 
14100412_gfs2_F00.grb, for example) and plotting hi-res state boundaries. If I 
accept the region defaults for both the map data and the topography (which is 
geopotential height of ground and water surfaces) and plot hi-res state 
boundaries, then I get a 3D map for the eastern part of the US, but it’s cut 
off west of there and the topography doesn’t make sense for the eastern U.S. 
(or anyplace else that I know). Moreover, I’m unable to improve on that result 
using GFS data from another model run or by selecting custom regions or by 
selecting “Match Display Region". In fact, when I specify a custom region or 
select “Match Display Region”, I get no map plot at all and the map plot color 
table is labeled “missing gpm”.

In contrast, when I tried a 40 km NAM forecast, an 80 km NAM forecast, a RUC 
forecast, and a 10 km WRF model forecast, all using the same hi-res state map 
data, all plotted just fine, regardless of whether I accepted the default 
regions or specified “Match Display Region”.

Seems like the IDV is having a problem reading the GFS model files correctly in 
this context. (But even with the GFS data, as my screen shot yesterday showed, 
I get separate prompts for the map data and the topography, and both offer 
correct choices to choose from, which differed from what you had reported 

— Dave

* Dr. Dave Dempsey, Chair           |       ^    ___    \|/   *
* Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences |  )   ^   /||_||\ —-0—-  *
* San Francisco State University    | )  )    / ||_|| \ /|\   *
* 1600 Holloway Ave.                |  )  )  /  ||_||  \      *
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