I'm wondering if someone with some stronger IDV/Jython knowledge than me
help me with proper Jython coding.
What I have already successfully Jython coded:
"Paintball Plot" of Composite Reflectivity >= 38dbz... Load in 5
consecutive HRRR model runs, create a dataSelection subsetting to a user
input domain applied to all 5 sources, creating a field of "Composite
Reflectivity" of all 5 sources, creating the display, applying Display
Control modifications like contour info, display label, etc. Here is the
def makeHRRR_PaintballPlot_CZ():
> runHour = raw_input('Input last model run hour for the paintball plot: ')
> subset = getPlotSubset()
> boundBox = subset.split(',')
> dataSel = DataSelection()
> colors = ["Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","DkGreen"]
> a = [0,0,0,0,0]
> for x in range(4,-1,-1):
> a[x] = makeDataSource(getHRRR(int(runHour)-x))
> dataSel.setBounds(float(boundBox[0]),float(boundBox[1]),float(boundBox[2]),float(boundBox[3]))
> field = a[x].getData(a[x].findDataChoice("CompRefl"),None,dataSel,None)
> dc = createDisplay('planviewcontourfilled',field,"Composite
> Reflectivity")
> pause()
> cinfo = idv.getDisplayConventions().findDefaultContourInfo("CompRefl")
> cinfo.setMin(38.0)
> dc.setContourInfo(cinfo)
> ctm = idv.getColorTableManager()
> dc.setColorTable(ctm.getColorTable(colors[x]))
> dc.setLegendLabelTemplate("%shortname%")
> dc.setDisplayListTemplate("%shortname% - %timestamp%")
What I want to do: After this is done plotting, create another display
that is the average of all 5 of these fields. I have tried using things
like idveval() and adding all the fields together and dividing by 5, but
that doesn't work (or maybe I'm coding it wrong). I can make this plot
manually by going into the Dashboard>Field Selector>Formulas and using
idveval() function, but I'd like to have this field automatically created
within this Jython method. Thanks!
Mike Umscheid