I assume that the variable "field" is some VisAD Data Object (like a
FlatField or FieldImpl). You might check the type... If that's the
case, then I would do something like this:
Inside the loop, right after "field = ... ":
if x == 4:
sum = field.clone();
sum = sum + field;
The first time through the loop, you then create a new object ("sum") that
will be used for the summation. It has all the same attributes as
"field" (units, coordinate system, etc.) and its values.
Then after the loop is done, just do:
avg = sum / 5.0;
Hope that helps...if "field" is not a VisAD Data object, then you'll
likely need a different approach..
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Mike Umscheid - NOAA Federal
<mike.umscheid@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm wondering if someone with some stronger IDV/Jython knowledge than me
> help me with proper Jython coding.
> What I have already successfully Jython coded:
> "Paintball Plot" of Composite Reflectivity >= 38dbz... Load in 5
> consecutive HRRR model runs, create a dataSelection subsetting to a user
> input domain applied to all 5 sources, creating a field of "Composite
> Reflectivity" of all 5 sources, creating the display, applying Display
> Control modifications like contour info, display label, etc. Here is the
> code:
> def makeHRRR_PaintballPlot_CZ():
>> runHour = raw_input('Input last model run hour for the paintball plot: ')
>> subset = getPlotSubset()
>> boundBox = subset.split(',')
>> dataSel = DataSelection()
>> colors = ["Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","DkGreen"]
>> a = [0,0,0,0,0]
>> for x in range(4,-1,-1):
>> a[x] = makeDataSource(getHRRR(int(runHour)-x))
>> dataSel.setBounds(float(boundBox[0]),float(boundBox[1]),float(boundBox[2]),float(boundBox[3]))
>> field = a[x].getData(a[x].findDataChoice("CompRefl"),None,dataSel,None)
>> dc = createDisplay('planviewcontourfilled',field,"Composite
>> Reflectivity")
>> pause()
>> cinfo = idv.getDisplayConventions().findDefaultContourInfo("CompRefl")
>> cinfo.setMin(38.0)
>> dc.setContourInfo(cinfo)
>> ctm = idv.getColorTableManager()
>> dc.setColorTable(ctm.getColorTable(colors[x]))
>> dc.setLegendLabelTemplate("%shortname%")
>> dc.setDisplayListTemplate("%shortname% - %timestamp%")
> What I want to do: After this is done plotting, create another display
> that is the average of all 5 of these fields. I have tried using things
> like idveval() and adding all the fields together and dividing by 5, but
> that doesn't work (or maybe I'm coding it wrong). I can make this plot
> manually by going into the Dashboard>Field Selector>Formulas and using
> idveval() function, but I'd like to have this field automatically created
> within this Jython method. Thanks!
> Mike Umscheid
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Tom Whittaker
Honorary Fellow
Space Science and Engineering Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA