> [ldm@ldmingest02 logs]$ grep product-class ldmd.log | grep unidata.uc
> Oct 27 21:44:11 ldmingest02[7234] NOTE: LDM-6 desired
> product-class: 20101027204411.976 TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"},{NONE,
> "SIG=a9cb7baa8f9228f9f44b5a9ee081ba0b"}}
> Interesting. This is the ONLY such line in the last 3 hours (involving
> Iit's requesting something an hour back but I guess
> that's the default offset?
That's correct. The first product it should actually receive is the one
*after* the product with the given signature.
Given that the "from" time is one hour earlier (to the second) than the
log-entry timestamp, it appears that your clock and requests are fine.