We have a pattern of retransmits developing again ... I've waited a bit
to see if the trend continues... here I have combined two charts to
highlight the pattern :
You may need to click for full size depending upon your default
1. The top chart is where I pump my data into the munin db that is
essentially 5 minute averages per day... New data is on the right, old
on the left.. and since in this chart data is outbound from my relay,
the values are negative... the negative simply means outbound... now
notice when the retransmits commence, that we have an averaged sustained
volume of roughly 45-47Mbps.. with sometimes a peak in there... that
sustained volume is clear and succinct on Tuesday, today "something"
seems to be happening, with perhaps some attempted fixes ongoing.
2. The bottom chart is where i average data every 60seconds and pipe it
into my own DB for a more finite control of understanding volume... this
data is positive since i chart it myself, and new data is again on the
right... basically whenever we have average sustained volume over 40Mbps
(with current product volumes) we know that something is amiss... so
somewhere after 19z the same thing has begun today, and as of this
typing is still continuing to occur.
If you wish to view the stats live feel free here :
I update the two status rows at the top every 10 seconds, and the
interactive volume chart every 60 seconds... and the page has a 60
second refresh, so I can leave it open on one of my monitors to glance
at from time to time.
Patrick L. Francis
Director of Research & Development
Aeris Weather