"ldmadmin vetqueuesize" will adjust your queue size and block size based on
your hardware and what you are taking in each hour. Let the software do the thinking for
you. Just tell it how much time you want in the queue for,
and it does the rest.
vetqueuesize is based upon minimum virtual residence time and is single
machine and feed specific... does that address the office needs as a
whole? .. as an upsource feed, should we be looking at variables beyond
individual machines? :)
do you see where i'm going here? :)
if i have an old box running just ids|ddsplus feeds, the needs for that
specific box will be different than one running goesr, or model data,
radar data and so forth... plus if we are an upstream feed that other's
depend upon, what variables should we consider?
just think these things are important to thinka bout :)