It bases the size on what you receive per hour, as opposed to what the
feedtypes are. It tailors is it just for that server.
> On Oct 1, 2021, at 4:22 PM, Patrick L. Francis <wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> "ldmadmin vetqueuesize" will adjust your queue size and block size based on
>> your hardware and what you are taking in each hour. Let the software do the
>> thinking for you. Just tell it how much time you want in the queue for,
>> and it does the rest.
> vetqueuesize is based upon minimum virtual residence time and is single
> machine and feed specific... does that address the office needs as a whole?
> .. as an upsource feed, should we be looking at variables beyond individual
> machines? :)
> do you see where i'm going here? :)
> if i have an old box running just ids|ddsplus feeds, the needs for that
> specific box will be different than one running goesr, or model data, radar
> data and so forth... plus if we are an upstream feed that other's depend
> upon, what variables should we consider?
> just think these things are important to thinka bout :)
> cheers,
> --patrick