I know of one entity that utilizes a 7m dish.
But bigger, as they say, does not necessarily mean better. Let me
What a wonderful story :)
I'm hoping to find if anyone has completed studies with antenna gain
utilizing DVBS-2. I have always had at minimum 10ft dish size, and a new
investor has asked a "what would you like" type of question :)
Parabolic Dish Antenna Gain studies have been completed over the years,
but I have only done one study with my own dishes. It has generally been
known over the years that there is an appreciable gain in the L - Ka
bands vs antenna diameter, especially in the smaller sub 3 meter dish
sizes. For example, here is a chart from the Australian Space Academy on
the very subject. I was simply hoping to see who has what out there,
because as I learned a long time ago, size does indeed sometimes matter
:) And I've always been stuck with the smaller sizes. I do know that
Stonie mentioned 'something' one time awhile ago, and I have always
known that his dish(es) were always larger than mine :) ... Almost
forgot the paste the chart... here you go... please notice the curve :)