Nice. The absolute minimum dish required for excellent reception of NOAAport
(by NWS standards) is 3.7m, except near the Canadian border, the northeast, and
the southeast due to thunderstorms, at 4.5m. 7m dishes, IIRC, are used in
Alaska and Puerto Rico. I can't remember what they use in Hawaii.
> On Oct 8, 2021, at 8:27 PM, Patrick L. Francis <wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> I know of one entity that utilizes a 7m dish.
>> But bigger, as they say, does not necessarily mean better. Let me explain .
> Gilbert,
> What a wonderful story :)
> I'm hoping to find if anyone has completed studies with antenna gain
> utilizing DVBS-2. I have always had at minimum 10ft dish size, and a new
> investor has asked a "what would you like" type of question :)
> Parabolic Dish Antenna Gain studies have been completed over the years, but I
> have only done one study with my own dishes. It has generally been known over
> the years that there is an appreciable gain in the L - Ka bands vs antenna
> diameter, especially in the smaller sub 3 meter dish sizes. For example, here
> is a chart from the Australian Space Academy on the very subject. I was
> simply hoping to see who has what out there, because as I learned a long time
> ago, size does indeed sometimes matter :) And I've always been stuck with
> the smaller sizes. I do know that Stonie mentioned 'something' one time
> awhile ago, and I have always known that his dish(es) were always larger than
> mine :) ... Almost forgot the paste the chart... here you go... please notice
> the curve :)

> cheers,
> --patrick