Pete - fortunately, I will have Tom to help me, but current understanding
is that it will be G19, as we just make a change to the config file for our
ingestor. But . . . you have reminded me to reach out to SSEC and see how
they will configure the naming for the inserts. I want us all to be the
Stonie Cooper, PhD
Software Engineer III
NSF Unidata
On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 2:24 PM Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Stonie,
> For the GRB satellite data feed - currently GOES East/16 products come
> through looking something like
> /data/cspp-geo/GRB-R/
> /data/cspp-geo/GRB-R/
> Will this change other than changing G16 to G19 and maybe GRB-R to GRB-U
> (I think that's what G19 was..)
> I know at one point there was talk of changing 'GRB-R' to 'EAST' - which
> was done for the GOES-West GRB already, like
> /data/cspp-geo/WEST/
> Thanks for the heads-up!
> Pete
> Pete Pokrandt - System Engineer IV
> UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
> 608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------
> *From:* ldm-users <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of
> Stonie Cooper <cooper@xxxxxxxx>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 5, 2025 1:39 PM
> *To:* LDM <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; NOAAPORT <
> noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Subject:* [ldm-users] GRB specific information.
> If you don't operate or care about GRB ground station operations, please
> just hit delete. For those that operate a GRB ground station, here is some
> important information from Toby Hutchings with NESDIS on the upcoming
> roll-out of GOES 19 into operations:
> Greetings User Community,
> Broadcasting answers to frequently asked questions to the community.
> Below you will find the latest topic of discussion.
> *Is there an expectation that some GRB users may need to re-point their
> antennas in connection with the G16 "nudge", and then re-point again for
> the transition to G19 GRB? If so they might like to know the specific date
> of the nudge.*
> *"Short answer: Assuming GRB users are operating an antenna 7m or
> smaller, they should not have to re-point their antennas during the G16 to
> G19 transition.*
> *Longer answer: GOES 16 is being nudged from 75.2 deg W to 75.5 deg W.*
> *Using our HR5 antenna here at WCDAS as a reference, the difference in
> ground antenna pointing angles between these two orbit locations is as
> follows:*
> *HR5 - GOES 16 (75.2 deg) = 179.50 deg AZ and 44.95 deg EL*
> *HR5 - GOES 16 (75.5 deg) = 180.06 deg AZ and 44.85 deg EL*
> *The difference in ground antenna pointing angles is 0.47 deg AZ and 0.1
> deg EL*
> *Assuming a GRB user is operating a 7 meter antenna, the half-beam width
> calculations of that antenna at 1.686 GHz is as follows:*
> *0.25 deg = 0.25 dB*
> *0.35 deg = 0.5 dB*
> *0.5 deg = 1 dB*
> *0.86 deg = 3 dB*
> *Since the expected pointing angle offsets are 0.47 deg AZ and 0.1 deg
> EL, the expected downlink degradation should be between 0.5 and 1 dB. This
> expected degradation should not cause an issue with users assuming that
> their antennas are peaked on G16 at its current location. If they are not
> peaked currently, this move and resulting degradation could cause issues.*
> *Additionally, any users with antennas larger than 7m will have narrower
> beam widths and thus experience a greater signal drop from this move. For
> example, if our 16.4m HR antennas were not autotracking, we would
> experience a 6dB drop in signal from this move if we did not re-peak."*
> Special thanks to Matt Sullivan from our WCDAS Team for providing a
> detailed response!
> -
> Stonie Cooper, PhD
> Software Engineer III
> NSF Unidata
> cooper@xxxxxxxx