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Hi, I just got the following message about a meeting held at Langley last Friday. This looks to me like it might be a case of premature, misguided, or overzealous standardization mania, but I'll reserve judgement until I see the meeting summary. The reason it might be relevant to the netcdf/HDF project is that it appears as if they will be starting from LLL's SLIDE/SILO rather than netCDF. As far as I know, the "additional extensions" provided by SLIDE/SILO added support for directory hierarchies in netCDF files, so it would be possible to group variables and limit the scope of names to directories. When I first saw this presented, I concluded that it could all be done with variable name and attribute conventions without extending the netCDF interface, but I may be wrong. I'll pass on the meeting summary when it arrives and try to find out more about how SLIDE/SILO differs from netCDF. --Russ Industry Standard Data Format (ISDF) for Structured and Unstructured Grids Meeting at NASA Langley, May 1, 1992 __________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this group is to establish a standard data format for exchanging grid information. The force behind the standard is the National Grid Project. The NGP is funded by 15 U.S. government and industry organizations. The purpose of the NGP is to provide a comprehensive set of grid generation tools integrated under a common user interface. This set of tools ranges from CAD, grid generation, solution, and visualization systems. In an effort to standardize the flow of information between these systems, ISDF has been proposed. __________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of the Langley meeting was to discuss the following: - Integrating HDF from NCSA, with SLIDE/SILO from Lawrence Livermore National Labs. This will provide a NetCDF type interface with additional extensions. - Consider extending HDF functionality to include PDBLib (also from LLNL.) This will allow storing of "general" data types without having to have pre-determined types. - See if an ISDF was feasable. A brief summary of the first meeting will be sent by Jeff Long of LLNL. __________________________________________________________________________ My (Adam Gaither's) role in the ISDF (as I see it): 1. I will work directly with Bob Weston from NASA Langley to establish a standard data model for grids. 2. I will work directly with Keith Hunten from General Dynamics (Chair of Finite Element PDES Sub Committee), and Michael McLay from NIST to guide our standard. 3. I will organize and disseminating information to the group. I hope that each of you post what you are willing to do as a part of this group. __________________________________________________________________________ The following is a list of people who are interested in establishing a standard data exchange format for grids. If you know of any others that should be on this list, please e-mail their info to me. Any mail that needs to be sent to the entire group can be sent to: isdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx __________________________________________________________________________ Adam Gaither NSF Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation Mississippi State University Software Engineer for the National Grid Project P.O. Box 6176 Mississippi State, MS 39762 Desk: 601-325-2067 FAX: 601-325-7692 E-mail: adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mike Folk National Center for Supercomputing Applications Senior Software Engineer Software Tools Group 4043 Beckman Institute Drawer 25 405 North Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 Desk: 217-244-0647 E-mail: mfolk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Keith Hunten General Dynamics Advanced Technology Group Fort Worth, TX Eng Group Specialist Structure & Design Finite Element - Chairs PDES SubCommit Office: 817-777-2147 FAX: 817-777-2115 E-mail: fwr441@xxxxxxxxxx Wally Dietrich IBM, 4-162 Thomas J. Watson Research Center P.O. Box 218 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Chairman T-CAD subgroup of CFI Office: 914-945-2073 FAX: 914-945-4201/3242 E-mail: wally@xxxxxxx Bradford M. Smith National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Chairman TC184/SC4 301-975-3558 Office 301-258-9749 FAX E-Mail: smithb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Michael McLay National Institute of Standards and Technology Bld 220 Rm B344 (mail) Bld 220 Rm A357 (office) Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 Office: 301-975-4099 FAX: 301-258-9749 E-Mail: mclay@xxxxxxxxxxxx Rich Lysakowsky Analytical Data Interchange and Storage Standards (ADISS) Project ASTM E49.52 Committee Chairman Digital Equipment Corporation Four Results Way, MRO4\2553/C9 Marlboro, MA 01752 Office: E-mail: lysakowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Stewart Brown Computer Scientist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, L-58 Livermore, CA 94550 Desk: 510-423-4889 E-mail: sabrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jeffery W. Long Computer Scientist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, L-58 Livermore, CA 94550 Desk: 510-423-6421 E-mail: jwlong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Robert H. Jackson Microwave and Millimeter-wave Advanced Computational Environment Program Naval Research Laboratory Technical Director, MMACE Program Vacuum Electronics, Code 6840 4555 Overlook Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20375-5000 Desk: 202-767-6656 Office: 202-767-2846 FAX: 202-767-0082 E-mail: jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Russ Rew University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Unidata Program Center P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000 Office: E-mail: russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Robert Weston MS 128 NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665-5225 Office: 804-864-2149 E-mail: weston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx