1992 mailing list archives - listed by subject
NOTE: The netcdf-hdf
mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
- [no subject]
- [jwlong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ]
- [jwlong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ]
- CDF 2.2.0
- CDF, netCDF and HDF
- Re: CDF, netCDF and HDF Note from you attached below
- Comments on netCDF/HDF Draft Design
- Current status
- Design
- FWD: Evaluation of formats ...... FYI ......
- A few quick netCDF questions
- hdf/netcdf prototype
- Hyperslab access timings for netCDFx, netCDF, and niche
- FWD: IDL support for CDF format
- Meeting with Chris Houck on netCDF/HDF project
- NCSA's mailing list
- netCDF and "complex" data
- netcdf efficiency
- netCDF on HDF library available for testing
- netcdf performance
- FWD: RE: netCDF Utilities
- niche library
- Printing design document
- Prototype of HDF / netCDF software released
- Questions about Linnea Cook's meeting summary
- Reply to Comments on netCDF/HDF Draft Design
- SILO/SLIDE library
- Standards Committee
- subscript ranges
- timings of netcdf vs. niche
- Welcome to HDF / netCDF