Re: [netcdf-java] Java-NetCDF in Maven repository?

The netcdf-java pom contains the list of the dependencies needed by the netcdf-java library and the dependency scopes should relate to the build of
the library itself.

I might be wrong (I'm not a maven expert) but this isn't my
understanding of how the scopes work.  Sure, when you are building
netcdf-java from source using maven, you'll need a POM that includes
the compile-time dependencies correctly.  But when you're *using*
netcdf-java you're not compiling it, so you need a POM that marks
run-time dependencies.  The POM that you provide is for people who are
using netcdf-java, not compiling it.  Please correct me if I'm wrong!

In my understanding maven is a build system and the pom is the file that, describing the all the projects peculiarities, permits the automatic build.

Writing the pom for an already build library is a "trick" to be able to depend upon a non-mavenized library, so why in this case should I write a pom in a different way?

If I follow the standard way of writing a pom and the netcdf-java lib developers want to mavenize their own the lib, they can start from the alredy written pom. In this case all the developers that use the library will no even notice the difference.

By the way, which benefits you will get using "runtime" scopes?



Valerio Angelini
Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis
Italian National Research Council
phone: +39 0574 602535
e-mail: angelini@xxxxxxxxxxx

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