Rich Signell wrote:
NetCDF-Java WRF folk,
I just setup a WRF run for the first time, and was surprised that for
realistic runs driven by other met models, you need to download grib
files, compile and run a program that converts grib into an
intermediate format, then compile and run another program that creates
NetCDF forcing files for WRF.
Seems like it would be a lot easier to write a program with
NetCDF-Java that would allow you to subset forcing data for your
region of interest via OPeNDAP, and write the NetCDF files directly.
Has anyone already done this or working on this?
If not, does this seem like a good idea?
Do you think I should ask this on a WRF group? If so, which group?
closest i know of is mark.seefeldt@xxxxxxxxxxxx (May 2008) :
" I am working on creating a CF compliant NetCDF file from the
native WRF netcdf output. I am using NCL as the means to accomplish
this task."
You could try this group:
although its pretty low activity.