Just to clarify, I'm not seeking to CF-ize the WRF NetCDF output
(although that would also be nice), but instead to create a simpler,
more efficient, more portable and maintainable method to create the
I'll ask the list,
as you suggested, and also
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 9:07 AM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rich Signell wrote:
>> NetCDF-Java WRF folk,
>> I just setup a WRF run for the first time, and was surprised that for
>> realistic runs driven by other met models, you need to download grib
>> files, compile and run a program that converts grib into an
>> intermediate format, then compile and run another program that creates
>> NetCDF forcing files for WRF.
>> Seems like it would be a lot easier to write a program with
>> NetCDF-Java that would allow you to subset forcing data for your
>> region of interest via OPeNDAP, and write the NetCDF files directly.
>> Has anyone already done this or working on this?
>> If not, does this seem like a good idea?
>> Do you think I should ask this on a WRF group? If so, which group?
>> Thanks,
>> Rich
> closest i know of is mark.seefeldt@xxxxxxxxxxxx (May 2008) :
> " I am working on creating a CF compliant NetCDF file from the native WRF
> netcdf output. I am using NCL as the means to accomplish this task."
> You could try this group:
> although its pretty low activity.
Dr. Richard P. Signell (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598