Hi John,
Some questions about maven to you experts. (Im also cc'ing Orion in case
> this helps his "Fedora packaging problem"):
> 1) Is there a canonical repository, i.e. "Maven Central" ? Martin already
> has it at geotoolkit.org, is that good enough?
The geotoolkit.org site is a good start. Ideally though, you'd like to get
the NetCDF stuff uploaded to Maven Central. Details on this can be found at
Alternatively, you can setup your own repo, for example we've setup one at
googlecode (http://code.google.com/p/mbari-maven-repository/)
Also, Sonatype has a pretty vast array of repos mounted on a Nexus repo
manager at http://oss.sonatype.org. It's pretty handy for searching for a
dependency. Unfortunately, geotoolkit.org isn't mounted yet so the current
netcdf jars don't show up in searches. Someone might want to drop sonatype a
note to add geotoolkit.org
> 2) We dont plan (yet anyway) to switch to using maven to build netcdf-java.
> We are willing to upload jar files, and maintain pom files (with your help),
> and anything thats reasonable that doesnt take much time. What is the best
> way to do that?
Maven's ant-task would do everything you need (
http://maven.apache.org/ant-tasks/index.html). Probably the easiest way to
go about it is to create a simple pom.xml file for the NetCDF project that
defines the dependencies. You could probably just crib the one at
geeotoolkit ...
http://maven.geotoolkit.org/edu/ucar/netcdf/4.1/netcdf-4.1.pom. Then you
can reference the pom in your ant build to do the artifact installation and
deployment, which seems to be what you're really going for at the moment (
http://maven.apache.org/ant-tasks/examples/install-deploy.html). The
pain-in-the-rear part is that all the dependencies that NetCDF uses will
also need to be deployed as Maven artifacts too.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Brian Schlining