Re: [netcdf-porting] Windows Build and OpenDAP?

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"Mark Hadfield" <m.hadfield@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>>>> On 2009-05-13 at 06:15, Dennis Heimbigner <dmh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> What are the issues involved vis-a-vis, say, cygwin?
> Issues?
> ÃÂ
> The current netCDF snapshots (and, I presume,ÃÂversion 4.0.1) build fine on
> Cygwin with DAP enabled. The resulting libraries cannot be used with
> non-Cygwin Windows applications.
> ÃÂ
> OrÃÂdo you haveÃÂother issues in mind?
> ÃÂ

Actually, they can. You must also include the cygwin.dll in your list of
DLL references in visual studio.

But it has been some time since I have tried this...



Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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