Re: [netcdf-porting] Windows Build and OpenDAP?

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>>> On 2009-05-13 at 10:50, Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"Mark Hadfield" <m.hadfield@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> The current netCDF snapshots (and, I presume, version 4.0.1) build fine on
> Cygwin with DAP enabled. The resulting libraries cannot be used with
> non-Cygwin Windows applications.

Actually, they can. You must also include the cygwin.dll in your list of
DLL references in visual studio.

But it has been some time since I have tried this...

I stand corrected. However I believe there are issues, perhaps relating to this 
(from the Cygwin FAQ ( )):

Can I link with both MSVCRT*.DLL and cygwin1.dll?

No, you must use one or the other, they are mutually exclusive. 
Doesn't the OP wants to use netCDF with Python? I think the above would be a 
I think I did try to do this, some time in the previous millennium...
Mark Hadfield          "Kei puwaha te tai nei, Hoea tahi tatou"

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