[netcdf-porting] CMake integration with NetCDF

NOTE: The netcdf-porting mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Good morning,

We are happy to announce our initial integration of the CMake build system with the NetCDF-C. libraries. With CMake, we are able to provide support for a wider range of platforms and build systems, including Windows-native builds on systems with Visual Studio installed. This initial integration is
built on Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.

The CMake-integrated source code is not yet part of an official release, but it may be
checked out from our public subversion repository:

svn checkout http://svn.unidata.ucar.edu/repos/netcdf/trunk netcdf

CMake 2.8.8+ is required. CMake may be downloaded from http://www.cmake.org. Instructions for building NetCDF-C with CMake are described in the 'COMPILE_CMAKE.txt' file found in
the root NetCDF-C directory, or at


I'm certain this file will evolve over time to answer questions which
come up. I look forward to answering any questions regarding building NetCDF-C with the CMake tools.

Have a great day,

Ward Fisher

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