Re: [netcdf-porting] CMake integration with NetCDF

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Hi Ward,

I came across another problem with the use of the trunk version on Windows (but this probably shouldn't matter)

We have this line to inquire about the netcdf version

    const char *vers_string = nc_inq_libvers();

but the trunk version returns (copy directly from VS debugger)

vers_string 0x000007feed8af808 " of Nov 6 2012 00:26:31 $" const char *

where we can see that there is no info on the version numbering. This info is very important as we use it to circumvent bug #187

Cheers Joaquim

Good morning,

We are happy to announce our initial integration of the CMake build system with the NetCDF-C. libraries. With CMake, we are able to provide support for a wider range of platforms and build systems, including Windows-native builds on systems with Visual Studio installed. This initial integration is
built on Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.

The CMake-integrated source code is not yet part of an official release, but it may be
checked out from our public subversion repository:

svn checkout netcdf

CMake 2.8.8+ is required. CMake may be downloaded from Instructions for building NetCDF-C with CMake are described in the 'COMPILE_CMAKE.txt' file found in
the root NetCDF-C directory, or at

I'm certain this file will evolve over time to answer questions which
come up. I look forward to answering any questions regarding building NetCDF-C with the CMake tools.

Have a great day,

Ward Fisher

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