Our group plans to use netCDF to store data from simulations. We are in
the midst of writing the simulation code, in C++, and the intention is to
incorporate the facility to output data in netCDF format early on, making
it part of the overall design rather than something to be added on at the
end. The question is, how advisable is it to use the C++ interface rather
than the C one? The C++ interface looks a lot nicer to use, and obviously
would fit in better with our object-oriented code, but it said in the
documentation somewhere that the C++ interface is "less mature" than the C
one. Does that mean that it is not being maintained? The other issue was
that we use Windows NT, but there was no binary available to download for
NT. There was even a note saying that it had never been compiled for NT.
Is this still true?
Nick Bailey
Physics Deptartment/Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics
Cornell University