Re: C++ interface to netCDF?

> Our group plans to use netCDF to store data from simulations. We are in
> the midst of writing the simulation code, in C++, and the intention is to
> incorporate the facility to output data in netCDF format early on, making
> it part of the overall design rather than something to be added on at the
> end. The question is, how advisable is it to use the C++ interface rather
> than the C one? The C++ interface looks a lot nicer to use, and obviously
> would fit in better with our object-oriented code, but it said in the
> documentation somewhere that the C++ interface is "less mature" than the C
> one. Does that mean that it is not being maintained? The other issue was
> that we use Windows NT, but there was no binary available to download for
> NT. There was even a note saying that it had never been compiled for NT.
> Is this still true?

I have a patch to compile NetCDF with CYGWIN (formely GNU Win32)
which includes the C++ interface (although personally I never used
the C++ interface). See


Arlindo da Silva

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