netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.6 are ready

The netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.6 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")

This is a paper bag release to correct some platform-specific build
problems introduced in 2.8.5. 
Builds work again on AIX and SGI (broken in 2.8.5).
Custom GCC builds are now warning-free and will no longer build when
compiler warnings are encountered. 
This will help ensure that fewer bugs burrow into future code.


Feature changes:
1. None

1. Builds work again on AIX and SGI (broken in 2.8.5)

Other user-visible changes:
1. None

User-invisible changes:
1. GCC builds are warning-free with --enable-debug-custom
2. All GCC prototypes correctly pre-declared
Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth 
System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100 
Visiting NCAR 12/13/03--1/17/04: ***********************************
Voice/FAX: (303) 497-1724/1348, Office: Mesa Lab 259b **************

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