2004 mailing list archives - listed by subject
- 20040420: Building netcdf with pgf90 on Opteron x86-64
- 2GB file problem
- 64-bit offset file support in NCO
- ActiveX Library of NetCDF
- Announcement: netCDF version 3.5.1 now available
- Announcement: netCDF version 3.6.0 now available
- appending arbitrary netCDF files
- archived webcast of seminar now available
- autoconf script for packages requiring netcdf
- awips grid files question
- Best time axis for seasonal data?
- Bugs(?) with ncgen
- Building netcdf with pgf90 on Opteron x86-64
- COARDS Climatological Time and IDV 1.1b2
- Comments promted by the release of netCDF 3.6.0-beta6
- compiling netcdf 3.5.1 on dual Xeon processor PC with windows XP, intel
- compiling netCDF using icc on Debian
- Converting NetCDF files to gempak files
- GDAL netCDF Support
- HDF Explorer Version 1.3 released
- Help-Netcdf under windows 2000 and compac visual Fortran compiler
- How to save a ZIP file within a NetCDF file
- I have a question
- Index Mapping for VB6
- Inquiry about undefined reference to __ctype_b error
- invalid argument
- IOC of UNESCO: survey on the IODE programme
- looking for test HDF5 files
- mixed programming, C and Fortran and netcdf
- Re: ncdigest V1 #766
- Re: ncdigest V1 #770
- RE: ncdigest V1 #800
- Re: ncdigest V1 #828
- Re: ncdigest V1 #835
- ncdump dates
- ncgen
- netcdf 3.5.1 beta 13 ia 64 linux
- netCDF-3.5.1, CYGWIN and NAG f95
- netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris
- Netcdf3.5.1 under SFU 3.5
- Netcdf 3.5.1 with intel F90 compiler
- netCDF 3.6.0-beta6 (almost) success on cygwin+g95
- netCDF 3.6.0-beta6 with Large File Support
- netcdf 3.6.0, FCFLAGS, and pathscale compiler
- netCDF compilation with absoft v9.0
- netcdf.dll
- netcdf.dll and Visual Basic 6
- NetCDF for OpenVMS
- Netcdf-Java version 2.2 alpha release
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.6 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.7 are ready.
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.8 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.0 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.1 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.2 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.3 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.4 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.5 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.6 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.7 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.8 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.9 are ready
- NetCDF Software Additions
- new compare tool
- new domain, HDF Explorer Version 1.3.003 released
- no data in netcdf file
- non-orthogonal grid
- No rule to make target '../VERSION', needed by 'libvers.o'. Stop.
- numerous fortran type/precision warnings with 3.5.1 build
- problem reading 3-D variables from a netCDF
- Problems with readgeneral.f
- Problems with reading my data
- Problems with webcasting seminar
- Problem with add_offset and scale_factor
- Problem writing character arrays using netCDF v3.5.1 compiled using
- question/problem...
- Re: question/problem... (netCDF, OSX)
- reading a 1D variable into 2D memory
- reading compressed netcdf files
- RNetCDF -- R Interface to NetCDF Datasets
- slow write on large files
- Storing Polygon Information
- Subscribing to the mailing list
- SUM: Weird NetCDf problem under XP
- symbol table in netCDF file
- undefined ref to __ctype_b
- Unidata Seminar on NetCDF-Java: Friday, December 10, 1:30pm
- Unsubscribe
- utility to turn UNLIMITED dimension into fixed len dim?
- VB.NET wrapper for netCDF
- VB.NET wrapper for NetCDF
- Weird NetCDf problem under XP
- which sergk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Win32 Fortran90 binaries (with .mod files)
- WRF netCDF to GEMPAK decoder
- zip file now available to allow netcdf C code compile in VC++.NET