Problems with reading my data

Dear netcdf users:
 I am trying to read data from a netcdf file.  But it turned out crazy
 The following are some of the data I have read
They are completely different from what I expect. Actually , the Data should be the following or something

-12310, -12320, -12315, -12310, -12310, -12320, -12325, -12340, -123
   -12340, -12345, -12350, -12350, -12354, -12360, -12365, -12370, -123
   -12379, -12395, -12410, -12415, -12420, -12425, -12425, -12420, -124
   -12400, -12395, -12385, -12375,

When I use the same fortran program to read another different fille, it works well. The only modification I made is changing the dimension size

the following is the fortran program, I think it should be right
       program filter
       parameter   (ndims=4)
       parameter   (nlat=73,nlon=144)
       real         data(nlon,nlat)
       integer      ncid,ncidin,ncidout,iv
       integer      rcode
       integer      start(3), count(3)
       data start/1,1,1/
       data count/nlon,nlat,1/
       character*50 fname
       character*20 file
       include '/opt/netcdf/include/'
       ncidin  =  ncopn('../',ncnowrit,rcode)
       call rdncdf2d(ncidin,iv,k,data)
       do i=1,5
        do j=1,5
       write(6,*) data(i,j)
       end do
       end do

subroutine rdncdf2d(ncidin,id,itime,data)
       parameter    (nlat=73, nlon=144)
       parameter    (ndims=3)
       integer      rcode
       integer      start(ndims), count(ndims)
       real         data(nlon,nlat)
       character*31 dimname
       data start/1,1,1/
       data count/nlon,nlat,1/
       call ncvgt(ncidin,id,start,count,data,rcode)

There are some difference between these two file in that one has scale factor and offset, the other does not. The following is the part of the head information of the two netcdf files

for   (for this file where the problem happened)
               short olr(time, lat, lon) ;
               olr:long_name = "Daily OLR" ;
               olr:valid_range = 0.f, 500.f ;
               olr:actual_range = 64.75f, 341.9f ;
               olr:units = "W/m^2" ;
               olr:add_offset = 327.65f ;
               olr:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
               olr:missing_value = 32766s ;
               olr:var_desc = "Outgoing Longwave Radiation\n",
                       "O" ;
               olr:precision = 2s ;
               olr:dataset = "NOAA Interpolated OLR\n",
                       "O" ;
               olr:level_desc = "Other\n",
                       "-" ;
               olr:statistic = "Mean\n",
                       "M" ;
               olr:parent_stat = "Individual Obs\n",
                       "I" ;

for  (for this file it works well)

     float LWOUTNEW(TDAY, LATITUDE110_28, LONGITUDE17_80) ;
               LWOUTNEW:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
               LWOUTNEW:_FillValue = -1.e+34f ;
               LWOUTNEW:long_name = "outgoing longwave radiation" ;
               LWOUTNEW:units = "W m^-2" ;

Would anyone give me some hint about this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance !

Hui Du

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