On Wed, 5 May 2004, [iso-8859-1] Éric Giroux wrote:
> Steve,
> Check http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/faq.html#lfs
> You have to compile your netCDF with support for large files.
> FYI, In my system, I use the following flags:
> -----------------------
> setenv F90 ""
> setenv CC /usr/bin/gcc
> setenv CXX /usr/bin/g++
> setenv CPPFLAGS '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran'
> setenv FC /usr/local/intel/compiler70/ia32/bin/ifc
> setenv FLIBS '-Vaxlib'
> setenv FFLAGS '-O -mp -cm -w95'
> -----------------------
Thanks very much ÉRic. It is working now. I should have looked further! I
looked through the Linux section but somehow missed the Large File part
of it. Sorry to waste peoples time.
BTW the settings that I used for the Portland Group compilers is (using
the /bin/sh shell) :
export CPP="/scratch/apps/pgi/linux86/bin/pgcc -E"
export CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran"
export CC=/scratch/apps/pgi/linux86/bin/pgcc
export CXX=""
export FC=/scratch/apps/pgi/linux86/bin/pgf77
export F90=/scratch/apps/pgi/linux86/bin/pgf90
Thanks again,