netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.9 are ready

The netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.9 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")

First, the NCO->SDO proposal was funded by NSF. 
A new section on the NCO homepage describes the project and contains
pointers to the proposal and two job ads. For more details, see

There are two significant feature improvements in version 2.9.9:

1. ncbo now supports threading.
Manually configure threading with -t (as with ncra, ncpdq, ncea), or
ncbo will pick a default for you.

2. ncpdq has powerful packing and unpacking capabilities
ncpdq stands for "Permute Dimensions Quickly" and now "Pack Data
Quietly" too. See for full info.
Prior to this release, ncap sported the only packing features in NCO.
However, ncap only packs one variable at a time.
ncpdq is more consistent with the NCO file-at-a-time paradigm.
To pack the entire file into output file use

ncpdq -P pck_plc -M pck_map

The main packing options to ncpdq are -P pck_plc and -M pck_map.
pck_plc is the "packing policy". Currently implemented policies are
  all_new: Pack unpacked variables, re-pack packed variables (default)
  all_xst: Pack unpacked variables, copy packed variables
  xst_new: Re-pack packed variables, copy unpacked variables
      upk: Unpack packed variables, copy unpacked variables

pck_map is the "packing map" which determines how variables of each
numeric type are packed. Currently implemented maps are

flt_sht: Pack floating precision types to NC_SHORT, pack nothing else (Default)
flt_byt: Pack floating precision types to NC_BYTE: pack nothing else
hgh_sht: Pack higher precision types to NC_SHORT, pack nothing else
hgh_byt: Pack higher precision types to NC_BYTE, pack nothing else
nxt_lsr: Convert each type to next lesser precision

The default "all_new" packing policy with the default "flt_sht"
packing map reduces the typical NC_FLOAT-dominated file size by 50%.
"flt_byt" packing reduces an NC_DOUBLE-dominated file by 87%.
One nice feature of (lossy) scale_factor/add_offset packing is that
additional, loss-less packing algorithms perform well on top of it.

1. The interaction of packing and missing_values is complex.
Test the missing_value behavior by performing a pack/unpack cycle
to make sure your data that are missing _stay_ missing and data
that are not misssing do not join the Alabama Air National Guard.
This may lead you to elect a new missing_value.
2. Packing into NC_CHAR (with, e.g., flt_chr) is actually allowed 
but is not recommended and so is not documented/advertised. 
Pack into NC_BYTE (with, e.g., flt_byt) instead.

FYI, the plan is to stabilize recent changes in NCO 3.0.0.
Then we will start development of the grid-enabled features of SDO.


Feature changes:
1. ncbo supports threading
1. ncpdq packs/unpacks

1. Fix regex capability on Mac OS X

Build changes:
1. None

Other user-visible changes:
1. Documentated thread options
2. Yummier ncpdq documentation

User-invisible changes:
1. None
Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth 
System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100 

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