ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 10-SEP-2004 15:06:38.75
>Howdy Jacob (or Jouk),
>I'm a netCDF programmer here at Unidata in Boulder Colorado.
>I was amazed to see your OpenVMS port of netCDF. I didn't even know
>about OpenVMS!
It's there and still maintained. Version 8.2 to be released soon. see i.e.
>I see you have 3.5.1. We're soon going to release 3.6.0, and I'm a
>little concerned because I took away some vax stuff #defines in the
>code, as we don't have any vaxen to test on anyway.
My port makes use of some of them. some area's already had #ifdef vms.
If you like I can do some tests of the new-code.
>I see from your tarball that you mostly are doing what I assume are
>the OpenVMS versions of makefiles so maybe we're OK...
Correct, but I made use of some of the VMS-specific code already there.
>Can one run OpenVMS on an intel platform? And is it free?
OpenVMS runs on only 3 types of chips:
VAX (old)
Itanium (first non-beta release will appear within the next half year)
So not on the cheapest machines.
It is not free, one has to get a licence from HP, but since you are in an
educational institute you can get the licenses for free (campus-license) (at
leats for VAX & Alpha. Itanium is not yet known).
Also OpenVMS for Home-use you can get a free license. You only have to find a
friend who has the installation CD's.
>Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
>Ed Hartnett
Jouk Jansen
Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others.
Jouk Jansen
Technische Universiteit Delft tttttttttt uu uu ddddddd
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience tttttttttt uu uu dd dd
Nationaal centrum voor HREM tt uu uu dd dd
Rotterdamseweg 137 tt uu uu dd dd
2628 AL Delft tt uu uu dd dd
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tel. 31-15-2782272 tt uuuuuuu ddddddd