>Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 07:32:54 -1000
>From: Paul Wessel <pwessel@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: GG/SOEST/UHM
>To: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Netcdf3.5.1 under SFU 3.5
The above message contained the following:
> I just installed Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 on my Windows XP laptop.
> Setting
> CC=gcc
> FC
> I tried to install netcdf. configure runs but reports that the size of int,
> float, etc are all 0. Then, make fails when compiling ncx.c. I found no
> information in the install.html regarding special settings for SFU. Any
> ideas?
The file "config.log" in the top-level source-directory might explain
why the type-sizes are all zero.
> Paul Wessel, Prof. and Chair
> Dept. of Geology & Geophysics
> SOEST, U of Hawaii
> 1680 East-West Rd, Honolulu, HI 96822
Steve Emmerson