And also a possible security hole? Just imagine if a malignant user had
replaced the DLL on the network with a viral DLL....
Michael Bane, Manchester UK
>> I want to thank James Garnett for trying to help with my problem.
>> What happened strikes me as odd but I guess it is a feature of windows.
>> The application was working despite the NetCDF dll not being on the
>> local machine. This was very disturbing for a number of people in the
>> office. Further investigation lead me to discover that there was a
>> NetCDF dll in the network folder where the data files were being
>> stored. Our code used an open file dialog from the Common Dialog that
>> comes with windows to allow the user to select an input NetCDF file data
>> file. Somehow, when windows couldn't locate the NetCDF dll on the local
>> machine, it looked on the network where the user had selected the input
>> data file from and used that NetCDF dll.
>> Neat trick!
>> Thanks everyone!
>> Matthew Hanna