The netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.5 are ready.
http://nco.sf.net (Homepage)
http://dust.ess.uci.edu/nco (Homepage "mirror")
This release fixes a problem with ncflint interpolations
when one of the two inputs is a missing_value.
The previous algorithm was non-commutative, i.e., the result
depended on the order the files were specified.
It was also non-intuitive in that it returned the weighted valid datum
rather than the unweighted valid datum or just missing_value.
The new alorithm is commutative, and much more conservative.
Now, when either input datum is a missing_value, the result
is missing_value as well.
I am willing to implement other ncflint algorithms if there is
interest. If you have an opinion about this, please read the new
documentation at
and post your preferences to the NCO discussion forum at
Feature changes:
1. none
1. ncflint is commutative when weights are equal
Build changes:
1. Install nco_*.hh and libnco_c++.hh in include directory
Other user-visible changes:
1. None
User-invisible changes:
1. None
Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth
System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100