reading a 1D variable into 2D memory


I have a netCDF file with data stored in a one-dimensional variable that represents two-dimensional data in physical representation i. e. the 2-D data has been collapsed into 1-D.

I would like to read in a rectangular subset (hyperslab) of this variable into a 2-D array in a program. I can calculate the starting point for the read and the number of values to be read, but in this case, the hyperslab of values are not contiguous in the variable in the netCDF file. I want to read e. g. 3 values, then skip 100 values, then 3 more values, skip 100, etc.

At the risk of having missed something really obvious, is there a way to read the values without making multiple calls to nf90_get_var()? The "stride" argument to get_var seems to only allow me to read one value before skipping ahead in the file; what do I do to read a series of values?

I am using netCDF for Fortran90 v 3.5 on MacOS X 10.3

Thank you for your help.


Jed Kaplan

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