> In looking at the source in various versions of netCDF, it appears to
> me that the genlib.c source you refer to
> has not changed since version 3.4, released in March, 1998, and
> contains no call to the "assert" macro. The "isprint" function is
> supposed to be found in the runtime C library (or maybe defined as a
> macro) that's declared in /usr/include/ctype.h. If it invokes
> "assert", that may be a problem with the implementation of isprint(),
> which is supposed to accept integer arguments.
> Anyway, if it's convenient, please tell us the compiler and operating
> system on which the assertion violation in testing ncgen showed up.
I use latest Intel compilers for Windows both C/C++ and Fortran on computers
under control of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. These tools utilizes
Microsoft C runtime library from Visual Studio 2003. Assertion occured in
file %MSVCDir%\crt\src\isctype.c, line 68. I would like to note that I have
to do a lot of small changes almost in every library that comes in my way,
so I may forgot what exactly I changed after a time. Here is a patch that
will help to cure from this assertion
---------- genlib.patch --------------
--- genlib.orig.c 2004-11-17 02:37:25.000000000 +0500
+++ genlib.c 2005-03-30 13:29:42.993964400 +0600
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@
case '\\': *cp++ = '\\'; *cp++ = '\\'; break;
case '\"': *cp++ = '\\'; *cp++ = '\"'; break;
- if (!isprint(*istr)) {
+ if (!isprint((unsigned char)*istr)) {
static char octs[] = "01234567";
int rem = ((unsigned char)*istr)%64;
*cp++ = '\\';
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@
for(ii = 1; ii < ilen; ii++) { /* handle subsequent characters in input
- if (isprint(*istr)) {
+ if (isprint((unsigned char)*istr)) {
if (! was_print) {
strcat(cp, "//'");
cp += 3;