2005 mailing list archives - listed by subject
- Re: 20050107: Notes on building netcdf-3.6 on nec SX6 (fwd)
- Re: 20050512: netCDF Java - Converting netCDF files to HDF5
- Added table mapping between CF and proposed data discovery attributes
- any Cray users out there in netCDF-land?
- any good netcdf tutorials out there?
- autoconf on Linux/opteron
- Bug fix for netcdf 3.6.0
- Bug in ncdump
- Bug with data type conversion in C++ interface?
- CDL file problems for NCEP gribs
- CF standard_name --> reference
- Compiling netcdf on win32 using visual studio NET & intel fortran compilers
- compiling with 64 bit problem
- compiling with gfortran 4.1
- Re: Defining large NetCDF variables midway through an MPI program
- Dimensions with size 0
- E-P monthly mean program
- error _NF_CLOSE@
- HDF & HDF-EOS Workshop IX
- help
- help in netcdf installation
- How to build netcdf 3.6.0p1 as a dynamic shared library on Mac OS X?
- Re: How to build netcdf 3.6.0p1 as a dynamic shared library on Mac OS X?
- Re: How to build netcdf 3.6.0p1 as a dynamic shared library on Mac OS X?
- Important Notification
- Intel Array Viewer is available
- Is this a bug in the NetCDF library?
- linking fortran to netcdf with Compaq Visual Fortran 6 on window XP
- Mac OS 10.4 with Absoft Pro 9.2: 64-bit code
- Mac OS 10.4 with Absoft Pro 9.2: make test failure
- Manipulating netCDF files
- RE: Manipulating netCDF files (ncdigest V1 #922)
- Manipulation of netCDF/GRIB files
- md5 checksum or gpg signature
- Memory size
- MSG visualization
- NAN as _FillValue/missing_value
- Re: ncdigest V1 #843
- Re: ncdigest V1 #846
- Re: ncdigest V1 #853
- Re: ncdigest V1 #868
- ncdigest V1 #882
- RE: ncdigest V1 #887: Reserving header space and use of double underbar tuning functions
- Re: ncdigest V1 #893
- Re: ncdigest V1 #922
- ncgen c-test trouble
- netcdf 3.6.1-beta2 for OpenVMS
- netcdf4.0 alpha passes nco regression tests & benchmarks
- netcdf4 compression
- netcdf 4 hdf5 file structure
- netcdf 4 python module
- NETCDF and Oracle
- Netcdf and Visual Basic
- netcdf.dll and VB 6
- a f90 friendly include file for the NetCDF Fortran 77 API
- Netcdf -> GIS (Mapinfo)
- netCDF lib's in Fortran90 (and other issues in Windows)
- NetCDF metadata and selected data variables
- NetCDF metadata and selected data variables.
- netCDF operators NCO version 3.0.0 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 3.0.1 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 3.0.2 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 3.0.3 are ready
- netCDF operators NCO version 3.1.0 are ready
- Netcdf - PHP Interface
- netcdf to ascii
- netcdf to grib
- NetCDF variables with unlimited dimensions
- " not a NETcdf file "
- One or more variable sizes violate format contraints
- oprofiling nco & netcdf - some results.
- Padding netCDF file headers
- Paper on netCDF-4 now available
- Re: [Perldl] Re: question about windows port (fwd)
- Possible race condition?
- Precipitation minus evaporation
- Problems with netcdf and VBasic
- Re: Problems with netcdf and VBasic?
- Re: Problems_with_netcdf_and_VBasic?
- problems with netcdf/Perl (-fPIC?)
- Re: Proposed netCDF attribute convention for dataset discovery
- Question about 'ncvgt'
- reserve header space in advance (Matlab)
- Re: The significance of trailing blanks in attributes...
- simple question
- Slow write when adding array Attributes
- splitting netcdf file into multiple files by date
- Suggestion for nc_copy_var*() routines in netCDF4
- Test problem with F90 and V3.6.0
- time conversion
- unresolved external symbol _ncerr