Thanks, Roy. This file did the trick for me!
Now that I can build the libraries in 32-bit code, I am moving on to
the next problem, building in 64-bit code. No luck so far. When I
add -m64 -fPIC to CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FFLAGS, and F90FLAGS, I get a
warning on the configure command that the Fortran-77 compiler failed
to compile. Then make and make test report no Fortran compiler.
Does anyone know the correct flags to use for 64-bit code?
-Mike Mills
LASP, University of Colorado
On Jul 28, 2005, at 5:13 PM, Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
I don't know if this will do the trick, but in previous versions of
Absoft you had to use a more recent version of cfortran.h than
perhaps came with the netcdf library. i have attached it.
Theinstructions that cam with it were as follows:
1) Unpack the netcdf source tree. This will create a directory named
$ uncompress netcdf.tar.Z
$ tar -xf netcdf.tar
2) Update netcdf3.5.0/src/fortran/cfortran.h. This README file was
shipped as part of an archive that also included a new cfortran.h.
You must use this cfortran.h when building netcdf 3.5.0 with Pro
for OS X.
$ cp cfortran.h netcdf3.5.0/src/fortran/cfortran.h
3) Setup the appropriate envrionment variables. If you are using
tcsh (or another csh based command shell) enter:
setenv FC /Applications/absoft/bin/f90
setenv F90 /Applications/absoft/bin/f90
setenv FLIBS -lU77
setenv CPPFLAGS "-DAbsoftProFortran"
setenv CFLAGS ""
If you are using bash (or another ksh based command shell) enter:
export FC=/Applications/absoft/bin/f90
export F90=/Applications/absoft/bin/f90
export FLIBS=-lU77
export CPPFLAGS="-DAbsoftProFortran"
export CFLAGS
4) Configure, build netcdf 3.5.0, and run the test suite:
$ cd netcdf-3.5.0/src
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make tests
5) Using netcdf 3.5.0:
When linking against the netcdf library, your Fortran code must
be compiled with -f -N15 and -N90 and your Fortran 90 code must
be compiled with -YEXT_NAMES=LCS -YEXT_SFX=_ -YCFRL=1
If this works, I will send the bill to Russ.
-Roy M.
"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the
Government or NOAA."
Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2097
e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx (Note new e-mail address)
voice: (831)-648-9029
fax: (831)-648-8440
"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."